



Executes the add command to stake tokens to one or more hotkeys from a user's coldkey on the Bittensor network.


Executes the show command to list all stake accounts associated with a user's wallet on the Bittensor network.


Executes the set_childkey_take command to modify your childkey take on a specified subnet on the Bittensor network to the caller.


Executes the get_childkey_take command to get your childkey take on a specified subnet on the Bittensor network to the caller.


Executes the set_children command to add children hotkeys on a specified subnet on the Bittensor network to the caller.


Executes the get_children_info command to get all child hotkeys on a specified subnet on the Bittensor network.


get_netuid(cli, subtensor[, prompt])

Retrieve and validate the netuid from the user or configuration.

get_hotkey(wallet, config)

Retrieve the hotkey from the wallet or config.



Module Contents#

bittensor.commands.stake.MAX_CHILDREN = 5#
bittensor.commands.stake.get_netuid(cli, subtensor, prompt=True)[source]#

Retrieve and validate the netuid from the user or configuration.

Return type:

Tuple[bool, int]

bittensor.commands.stake.get_hotkey(wallet, config)[source]#

Retrieve the hotkey from the wallet or config.

Return type:


class bittensor.commands.stake.StakeCommand[source]#

Executes the add command to stake tokens to one or more hotkeys from a user’s coldkey on the Bittensor network.

This command is used to allocate tokens to different hotkeys, securing their position and influence on the network.


Users can specify the amount to stake, the hotkeys to stake to (either by name or SS58 address), and whether to stake to all hotkeys. The command checks for sufficient balance and hotkey registration before proceeding with the staking process.

Optional arguments:
  • --all (bool): When set, stakes all available tokens from the coldkey.

  • --uid (int): The unique identifier of the neuron to which the stake is to be added.

  • --amount (float): The amount of TAO tokens to stake.

  • --max_stake (float): Sets the maximum amount of TAO to have staked in each hotkey.

  • --hotkeys (list): Specifies hotkeys by name or SS58 address to stake to.

  • --all_hotkeys (bool): When set, stakes to all hotkeys associated with the wallet, excluding any specified in –hotkeys.

The command prompts for confirmation before executing the staking operation.

Example usage:

btcli stake add --amount 100 <my_wallet> --wallet.hotkey <my_hotkey>


This command is critical for users who wish to distribute their stakes among different neurons (hotkeys) on the network. It allows for a strategic allocation of tokens to enhance network participation and influence.

static run(cli)[source]#

Stake token of amount to hotkey(s).


cli (bittensor.cli)

static _run(cli, subtensor)[source]#

Stake token of amount to hotkey(s).

classmethod check_config(config)[source]#

config (bittensor.config)

classmethod add_args(parser)[source]#

parser (argparse.ArgumentParser)


path (str)

Return type:


Return type:


class bittensor.commands.stake.StakeShow[source]#

Executes the show command to list all stake accounts associated with a user’s wallet on the Bittensor network.

This command provides a comprehensive view of the stakes associated with both hotkeys and delegates linked to the user’s coldkey.


The command lists all stake accounts for a specified wallet or all wallets in the user’s configuration directory. It displays the coldkey, balance, account details (hotkey/delegate name), stake amount, and the rate of return.

Optional arguments:
  • --all (bool): When set, the command checks all coldkey wallets instead of just the specified wallet.

The command compiles a table showing:

  • Coldkey: The coldkey associated with the wallet.

  • Balance: The balance of the coldkey.

  • Account: The name of the hotkey or delegate.

  • Stake: The amount of TAO staked to the hotkey or delegate.

  • Rate: The rate of return on the stake, typically shown in TAO per day.

Example usage:

btcli stake show --all


This command is essential for users who wish to monitor their stake distribution and returns across various accounts on the Bittensor network. It provides a clear and detailed overview of the user’s staking activities.

static run(cli)[source]#

Show all stake accounts.


cli (bittensor.cli)

static _run(cli, subtensor)[source]#

Show all stake accounts.

static check_config(config)[source]#

config (bittensor.config)

static add_args(parser)[source]#

parser (argparse.ArgumentParser)

class bittensor.commands.stake.SetChildKeyTakeCommand[source]#

Executes the set_childkey_take command to modify your childkey take on a specified subnet on the Bittensor network to the caller.

This command is used to modify your childkey take on a specified subnet on the Bittensor network.


Users can specify the amount or ‘take’ for their child hotkeys (SS58 address), the user needs to have access to the ss58 hotkey this call, and the take must be between 0 and 18%.

The command prompts for confirmation before executing the set_childkey_take operation.

Example usage:

btcli stake set_childkey_take --hotkey <childkey> --netuid 1 --take 0.18
static run(cli)[source]#

Set childkey take.


cli (bittensor.cli)

static _run(cli, subtensor)[source]#
static check_config(config)[source]#

config (bittensor.config)

static add_args(parser)[source]#

parser (argparse.ArgumentParser)

class bittensor.commands.stake.GetChildKeyTakeCommand[source]#

Executes the get_childkey_take command to get your childkey take on a specified subnet on the Bittensor network to the caller.

This command is used to get your childkey take on a specified subnet on the Bittensor network.


Users can get the amount or ‘take’ for their child hotkeys (SS58 address)

Example usage:

btcli stake get_childkey_take --hotkey <childkey> --netuid 1
static run(cli)[source]#

Get childkey take.


cli (bittensor.cli)

static _run(cli, subtensor)[source]#
static check_config(config)[source]#

config (bittensor.config)

static add_args(parser)[source]#

parser (argparse.ArgumentParser)

static get_take(subtensor, hotkey, netuid)[source]#

Get the take value for a given subtensor, hotkey, and netuid.

@param subtensor: The subtensor object. @param hotkey: The hotkey to retrieve the take value for. @param netuid: The netuid to retrieve the take value for.

@return: The take value as a float. If the take value is not available, it returns 0.

Return type:


class bittensor.commands.stake.SetChildrenCommand[source]#

Executes the set_children command to add children hotkeys on a specified subnet on the Bittensor network to the caller.

This command is used to delegate authority to different hotkeys, securing their position and influence on the subnet.


Users can specify the amount or ‘proportion’ to delegate to child hotkeys (SS58 address), the user needs to have sufficient authority to make this call, and the sum of proportions must equal 1, representing 100% of the proportion allocation.

The command prompts for confirmation before executing the set_children operation.

Example usage:

btcli stake set_children --children <child_hotkey>,<child_hotkey> --hotkey <parent_hotkey> --netuid 1 --proportions 0.4,0.6


This command is critical for users who wish to delegate children hotkeys among different neurons (hotkeys) on the network. It allows for a strategic allocation of authority to enhance network participation and influence.

static run(cli)[source]#

Set children hotkeys.


cli (bittensor.cli)

static _run(cli, subtensor)[source]#
static check_config(config)[source]#

config (bittensor.config)

static add_args(parser)[source]#

parser (argparse.ArgumentParser)

static print_current_stake(subtensor, children, hotkey)[source]#
class bittensor.commands.stake.GetChildrenCommand[source]#

Executes the get_children_info command to get all child hotkeys on a specified subnet on the Bittensor network.

This command is used to view delegated authority to different hotkeys on the subnet.


Users can specify the subnet and see the children and the proportion that is given to them.

The command compiles a table showing:

  • ChildHotkey: The hotkey associated with the child.

  • ParentHotKey: The hotkey associated with the parent.

  • Proportion: The proportion that is assigned to them.

  • Expiration: The expiration of the hotkey.

Example usage:

btcli stake get_children --netuid 1


This command is for users who wish to see child hotkeys among different neurons (hotkeys) on the network.

static run(cli)[source]#

Get children hotkeys.


cli (bittensor.cli)

static _run(cli, subtensor)[source]#
static get_parent_stake_info(console, subtensor, hotkey)[source]#
static retrieve_children(subtensor, hotkey, netuid, render_table)[source]#

Static method to retrieve children for a given subtensor.

  • subtensor (bittensor.subtensor) – The subtensor object used to interact with the Bittensor network.

  • hotkey (str) – The hotkey of the parent.

  • netuid (int) – The network unique identifier of the subtensor.

  • render_table (bool) – Flag indicating whether to render the retrieved children in a table.


A list of children hotkeys.

Return type:


static check_config(config)[source]#

config (bittensor.config)

static add_args(parser)[source]#

parser (argparse.ArgumentParser)

static render_table(subtensor, hotkey, hotkey_stake, children, netuid, prompt)[source]#

Render a table displaying information about child hotkeys on a particular subnet.

Parameters: - subtensor: An instance of the “bittensor.subtensor” class. - hotkey: The hotkey of the parent node. - children: A list of tuples containing information about child hotkeys. Each tuple should contain:

  • The proportion of the child’s stake relative to the total stake.

  • The hotkey of the child node.

  • netuid: The ID of the subnet.

  • prompt: A boolean indicating whether to display a prompt for adding a child hotkey.

Returns: None

Example Usage:

subtensor = bittensor.subtensor_instance hotkey = “parent_hotkey” children = [(0.5, “child1_hotkey”), (0.3, “child2_hotkey”), (0.2, “child3_hotkey”)] netuid = 1234 prompt = True render_table(subtensor, hotkey, children, netuid, prompt)
